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Quick start

After reading both installation and introduction sections, you should be familiar with our Ternoa SDK Tools (Ternoa-js and Ternoa Indexer), own your Ternoa Account, and have claimed some test CAPS on alphanet from the Faucet. You are ready to dive-in.

The easiest way to way to quick-start jumping into Ternoa SDK and start building on the chain, is to download the example repository here, and start our tutorial. After going throw the three basic exercices, you will know how to mint, retrieve and sell an NFT, by using our tools:

  • Ternoa-js API: A Javascript tool it self based on the Polkadot.js API. This npm package offers developers a seamless experience to execute transactions (called extrinsics in Polkadot/Substrate ecosystem) on the Ternoa chain, and handles all the hard work for you. Get more information here.

  • Ternoa Indexer: Our indexer is the record of the Ternoa Chain data, that can be used directly into your codebase or in a playground.

This tutorial assumes basic knowledge of JavaScript and Node js to understand the basic functions. If you’re looking for documentation instead, visit the Ternoa Documentation.

How to start​

  • Just download the repository and run npm install in the terminal. We already installed the ternoa-js : find it in the package.json.

  • Mint NFT: open mintNFT.ts. Once you read carefully the comments. Run npm run start src/basics/mintNFT.ts In this 1st step, you will understand how to initialize the API and run your first on-chain transaction to create an NFT. Keep the NFT id from the log with you as you will need it later.

  • View NFT step: open getNFT.ts. Once you read carefully the comments and instructions. Run npm run start src/basics/getNFT.ts In the 2nd step, you will see how to use our Indexer to retrieve your NFT data.

  • List NFT: open sellNFT.ts. Once you read carefully the comments and instructions. Run npm run start src/basics/sellNFT.ts In the 3rd and last step, you will learn how to list your NFT for sale on a marketplace.

Wow ! One single line of code to create an NFT ? One single line of code to list an NFT on a Marketplace ? Amazing right ? Let's go ! You are now ready to start building your own dApp using our Tools.