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Basic queries

In this section, you'll make some simple and basic queries:

You can try this directly in our alphanet indexer's playground or in our mainnet indexer's playground

Query owned NFTs on the nftEntities​

query {  nftEntities(    first: 5,    filter: {      owner: { equalTo: "5CDGXH8Q9DzD3TnATTG6qm6f4yR1kbECBGUmh2XbEBQ8Jfa5" }    }  ) {    totalCount     nodes {      nftId      owner      creator      collectionId      offchainData    }  }}

To access the nodes information you want to display, you can look directly into the docs panel on the right side of the playground :


Query created NFTs on the nftEntities​

query {  nftEntities(    first: 5,    filter: {      creator: { equalTo: "5CDGXH8Q9DzD3TnATTG6qm6f4yR1kbECBGUmh2XbEBQ8Jfa5" }    }  ) {    totalCount     nodes {      nftId      owner      creator      collectionId      offchainData    }  }}

Let's query the 10 first listed NFTs on the nftEntities​

query {  nftEntities(first: 10, filter: { listedForSale: { equalTo: true } }) {    totalCount    nodes {      nftId      listedForSale      owner      timestampList      price      marketplaceId    }  }}

Query marketplaces on the marketplaceEntities​

query {  marketplaceEntities{    totalCount    nodes {      marketplaceId      offchainData      kind      owner      commissionFeeType      commissionFee      commissionFeeRounded      listingFeeType      listingFee      listingFeeRounded    }  }}

Query a specific NFT on the nftEntity​

query {  nftEntity(id: "100") {    nftId    owner    creator    collectionId    offchainData  }}

Query specific NFT history on the nftOperationEntities​

query {  nftOperationEntities(    orderBy: TIMESTAMP_DESC    filter: { nftId: { equalTo: "100" } }  ) {    totalCount    nodes {      nftId      blockId      extrinsicId      typeOfTransaction      from      to      price      priceRounded      timestamp    }  }}