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Ordered queries

In this section, you'll see how to order queries:

You can try this directly in our alphanet indexer's playground or in our mainnet indexer's playground

Each field generate a sort option that you can apply on any request. For example:

Query NFTs ordered by creation timestamp​

query {  nftEntities(    first: 10    offset: 0    orderBy: TIMESTAMP_CREATE_DESC  ) {    totalCount    nodes {      nftId      owner      collectionId      offchainData      timestampCreate    }  }}

You can put as many sort fields as you need:

Query NFTs ordered by creation timestamp and price​

query {  nftEntities(    first: 10    offset: 0    orderBy: [TIMESTAMP_CREATE_DESC, PRICE_ASC]  ) {    totalCount    nodes {      nftId      owner            price      priceRounded      timestampCreate    }  }}

You can access all the different orders in the schema tab on the right panel of both alphanet playground or mainnet playground
